Students on campus
Video file


Explore Your Future

Student studying online

Textbook Freedom
Supports Student Success!

Students can save money on course materials as OER certified courses are $50 or less per course while completing a degree!



Music School Piano

Now Offering
Community Music School

Barton's Fine and Performing Arts Dept. has launched the Community Music School program! Children ages 6-18 can enroll in piano lessons taught by Barton students starting at just $15 per 30 minute lesson.


High School student promo

High Schoolers - Save
Money on Classes!

Current Kansas high school students can save money on Barton classes with new tuition rates ($50 per credit hour) or scholarship rates ($75 per credit hour)!


Pole Banners on campus


August Calendar

College News

The Mission: Barton offers exceptional and affordable learning opportunities supporting student, community, and employee needs.

Read Barton's full Mission and Vision statements >