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Placement Testing

Barton Community College incorporates multiple measures for placement. Placement options include domestic high school GPA, ACT, SAT, GED, ALEKS or Accuplacer test scores. This information must be received prior to enrollment in applicable courses. Alternative placement measures including test scores must have been obtained within the last five (5) years. Students without scores will take the Accuplacer test. Placement test scores will be used to place students in the appropriate English, reading, math and some science courses. 

Students who need to complete the Accuplacer test should contact the Testing Coordinator at placementtesting@bartonccc.eduPlease include your name, Barton student ID number and the course or courses you need to test for. Individuals requiring testing accommodations due to disability should contact or call (620) 786-1102.

Assessment Placement Policy & Procedures 

Placement Matrix with New Generation Accuplacer Scores 

Effective Fall 2025: Placement Matrix with New Generation Accuplacer Scores 

SAT, ACT, GED, ALEKS or Accuplacer Scores

Barton will accept SAT, ACT, GED, ALEKS or Accuplacer scores if they are less than five (5) years old. Scores may be sent to

Within this email please include the following information:

  • Please indicate "Placement Scores" or something similar in the subject line of your email. 
  • Barton student ID
  • Full name
  • Date of Birth
  • Email Address
  • Primary campus
  • Phone number
  • Course for which you are submitting scores

To ensure we receive the email, please be sure to include a subject line such as "Placement Scores."

Prior Coursework

Some college level coursework may be considered to meet prerequisite requirements. These courses must be college level and passed with a grade of C or higher. Determination will be made upon review of a college transcript. For placement purposes, unofficial transcripts may be emailed to

Within this email please include the following information:

  • Please indicate "Prior College Coursework" or something similar in the subject line of your email. 
  • Barton student ID
  • Full name
  • Date of Birth
  • Email Address
  • Primary campus
  • Phone number
  • Course for which you are submitting prerequisite information
  • Course start date/session/semester in which you plan to enroll

To ensure we receive the email, please be sure to include a subject line such as "Prior College Coursework." 

Effective with Spring 2019 Session 3, students that fail to submit proper prerequisite documents or successful Accuplacer scores by midnight (CST) on the 1st Monday of the session, will not be allowed to enroll in their prerequisite course(s) for the selected session.

Proctoring: Proctoring services are available for campus make-up exams, and for Barton Online exams. Testing for non-Barton students is available for a fee of $25 per test/per sitting.

ACCUPLACER: A computerized untimed placement test used to determine the level of math, English, and reading in which a student would be most successful.

Preparing for Accuplacer

Resources below are available to students in preparation for the Accuplacer.

Accuplacer Sample Reading
Accuplacer Sample QRAS (Math)
Accuplacer Sample Writing
Accuplacer Reading Comprehension Practice 
Accuplacer Study Guide
Practice Testing 
Math Practice Testing
ESL practice

CLEP & DANTES: An instrument provided by Education Testing Service which allows you to receive credit for informal learning by “testing out” of entry -level classes. Fees are paid directly to CollegeBoard/ CLEP. Barton charges a $25 administration fee. Military personnel wishing to take a CLEP test may qualify for DANTES funds.

TEAS: Nursing Entrance exam. Available to non-Barton students with testing fee and permission from Nursing Department. Please visit the Nursing webpage for additional information and registration directions.

Barton Online Students

Barton Online students should visit the Barton Online Placement Testing webpage for online placement testing options.