The Office Institutional Effectiveness uses this page to communicate Informational Data to the college community.
Data reflected on this site and displayed on reports created by the IE department might seem to be inaccurate when compared. Actually this is not the case of one being "right" and one being "wrong" but, because the data sets have different criteria, sources, purposes, time frames, and coverage the data will sometimes differ.
Useful Data Links
- KPI Dashboard
- Data Dictionary
- IRE Data Request Form (link sends email)
- How to get to PowerBI Reports
- Course Search
- CIP code level programs to SOC level occupations (link sends email)
- KBOR Data Books (link sends email)
- KBOR Higher Education Stats (link sends email)
- KBOR Program Alignment (link sends email)
- KBOR Projects Calendar (link sends email)
- Kansas Economy (link sends email)
- Midwestern Higher Education Compact Interactive Dashboard (link sends email)
- Service Area Map
If you would like data added to these pages please contact Todd Mobray mobrayt@bartonccc.edu (link sends email).