Kirkman building on campus in Fall

Registration & Enrollment Services

The Office of Enrollment Services provides and maintains the accuracy, integrity, and confidentiality of academics records for all Barton students. The Registrar serves as the main custodian for academic records for the college.

The Enrollment Service office provides the following services:

  • Transcript Requests
  • Request proof of enrollment
  • Request a duplicate diploma
  • Name and address changes
  • Schedule changes
  • Grade information
  • Transcript evaluation
  • Graduation evaluations/ceremony information
  • Residency paperwork
  • Other requests related to your student records.

This office also ensures the privacy of your student records in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Enrollment Services Directory
Enrollment Services Directory

Enrollment Services Staff - Great Bend Campus

Lori Crowther

Student Records Specialist

Sara Martinz
Enrollment Services Support Specialist

Shanda Mull
Assistant Registrar

Kim Neifert
Student Record Specialist

Jessica Vsetecka
Transcript Coordinator


Enrollment Services Location and Office Hours
Enrollment Services Location and Office Hours

Enrollment Services Office 

Great Bend Office
The Enrollment Services Office is located in the Kirkman Visitor Center.

Office Phone Number - (620) 792-9252 or 800-748-7594, ext. 252
Email -
FAX Number - (620) 786-1175

Great Bend Office hours - Monday -Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Please note that the summer hours starting in May-July are Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and closed on Friday.

Name and Address Changes
Name and Address Changes

Permanent Name Changes

Students must make any permanent name change by contacting the Enrollment Service’s Office. A change in a student’s name requires the social security card, along with a valid photo ID be provided to Enrollment Services (mailed, emailed, faxed or in person).

Preferred name/gender changes

Name and gender information recorded in Barton’s student information system (SIS) reflects the information supplied by the student at the time of admission to/enrollment in the college.  Should a student wish to provide alternative name or gender information in the SIS, the student should contact the Office of Enrollment Services at 620.792.9252 or to request the change.  Enrollment services personnel will add the preferred name to the educational record and make note of the gender identity as well, without requesting any documentation of legal changes of this information.  Barton will retain the legal name and gender in the SIS and utilize it as required for state and federal reporting. 

Barton employees are asked to use names and pronouns consistent with students’ gender identities. Students are requested to inform instructors and other staff members about preferred names and pronouns.  A student who seeks assistance or support in informing instructors about use of a preferred name, etc. may contact the VP of Student Services for assistance

Address Changes

An individual may request a change in their legal address by one of the following methods:

  • Submitting an address change request through the MyBarton Portal
  • In person (with valid photo ID).
  • By email from the student's Barton Cougar email address.
  • Faxing or mailing a change of address affidavit which has been signed, dated, and notarized.
Enrollment and Degree Verification
Enrollment and Degree Verification

Barton Community College has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide enrollment and degree verifications. The National Student Clearinghouse can be contacted at:

National Student Clearinghouse
2300 Dulles Station Boulevard, Suite 300
Herndon, VA 20171

Please read about the recently identified NSC security breach.

Proxy Access to Student Records
Proxy Access to Student Records


Barton Students may provide “proxy access” to third parties including parents/guardians/spouses/friends as desired by going online to MyBarton Portal account under the Popular Student Links card.  Students can choose which areas their proxies have access to (for example, student account information, financial aid requirements, academic grades, schedule, etc.). By setting up proxy access, the student permits their proxy to view such information online if applicable. Although conduct records are not viewable online to students or proxies, students can use this process to identify individuals who are authorized to obtain that information. 

Please note, proxy access does not include access to the student’s official tuition statements, 1098-T tax forms, or the portal to enroll in payment plans or pay tuition. These features are available in the Student Financial Center and require separate log-in credentials. Please visit the Barton Business Office webpage for additional information.


You should have received three emails when the proxy account was set up by your student.   

  • The first email provides an initial password for your initial login. Subject: New proxy confirmation
  • The second email provides instructions and a one-time link needed to set up your access. Subject: New proxy Identity  
  • The third email provides the login link to access the student’s information once you establish your account. Subject: New proxy relationship 

If you did receive the emails and you have not activated your account, the URL’s are only valid for 24 hours.  Your student can re-send the emails so you can activate your account.  


Click here to log into your account.


A new password can be reset by your student here.