Graduates pose after commencement ceremony

Areas of Study


Degree Programs

AA - Associate of Arts, Liberal Studies Major
AS - Associate in Science, Liberal Studies Major
AGS - Associate in General Studies

Career Programs

AAS - Associate in Applied Science
CERT1 - Certificate Program, 16-29 hours
CERT2 - Certificate Program, 30-44 hours
CERT3 - Certificate Program, 45-59 hours

Financial Aid Eligibility

NDS - None-Degree Seeking and not eligible for federal aid
SAPP - Stand Alone Program
* - Emphasis of Study
+ - May be eligible for federal aid under correlating degree program
++ - Not eligible for federal aid

Campus Location

BC - Barton County Campus
FL - Fort Leavenworth Campus
FR - Fort Riley Campus
GVP - Grandview Plaza Campus
Online - Barton Online
(Online programs may require clinicals, field experience, pacticum, internships, etc. for some programs.)

Liberal Studies

Area of Study Program Type Kansas Promise Campus Location
Liberal Studies AA, AS BC, FL, FR, OL